Signature Blends™
Signature Blends™
Treat yourself to an indulgent cup of tea with our Signature Blends! Made from the finest organic ingredients, these luxurious blends will make you feel like royalty. Upgrade your tea-time ritual with a truly tasty, guilt-free experience. Time to make your taste buds swoon!
Japanese Sencha Green
A green tea famously enjoyed throughout Japan and China. Naturally caffeinated Antioxidant. Boosts Metabolism and Energy. Lowers Blood Pressure & Reduces Cholesterol.
Moroccan Mint Gunpowder
A crisp blend of Moroccan spear mint & pinhead gunpowder green tea. Boosts Energy, Improves Sleep, Aids Weight-loss, Eases Digestive Upset and Helps Relieve Migraines & Headaches.
Sorrel Cinnamon & Apple
A warm, fruity herbal blend. Rich in Vitamins & Minerals Such As:
Calcium Magnesium Zinc Vitamin B Niacin & Folic Acid. Improves Heart Health and Improves Vision.